Airline Uniform Suppliers | Aviation Uniform Suppliers


Few inventions have changed how people live and experience the world as much as the invention of the airplane.The airline industry has certainly progressed and has altered the way people live and conduct businesses by shortening travel time and altering our concept of distance. The airline industry has created a new type of experience for its passengers, by combining high fashion airline uniforms worn by inflight personnel.

Globe Uniforms is a reputed uniform company in Dubai that supplies a wide range of uniforms and accessories for employees in the aviation sector. The uniforms are tailored to complement your company’s style and uniqueness. That’s why we custom design uniform for each and every client. Moreover, the uniforms are stitched to offer the maximum comfort. We have a team of trained and experienced designers and tailors to provide high-quality stitching services.

Our uniform company in Dubai sources fabrics for uniforms from reliable suppliers across the globe. We further conduct a series of quality tests on all the fabrics to ensure that they meet the industry standard as well as our company’s quality standards. As one of the leading airline uniform suppliers, we strive our best to maintain the excellent standards of quality and delivery.

Globe Uniforms, believes in providing the best services to our clients. We do not have a minimum order quantity,hence you are welcome to order a sample to check our quality. We will charge a minimum amount for the sample which will be refunded once we receive the complete order from you. To get more details about Globe Uniforms, contact us by filling up the ‘request a quote’ form or emailing us.

What Our Customers Say

We would like to express our sincere appreciation for your service to us and the good quality products, reasonable cost and even better customer service since we signed the contract. I would like to thank your quick action to resolve any issues that arise. Simply you make it easy for us. Once again; thank you for a favorable business together, and we look forward to many more.

Mr.Inas Shihat
Documents Supervisor / Paris Gallery LLC, Dubai

Globe Uniforms – A truly professional uniform company, competent to deliver an excellent quality coupled with personalized services to exceed all the complex uniform requirements from designing, sourcing of fabrics, sampling to bulk production. Globe Uniforms is a one stop shop for all the uniform requirements.

Mr.Venkat Addagatla
Laundry Manager / Grand Hyatt, Dubai
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